Source code for CytofDR.evaluation

import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from annoy import AnnoyIndex

import scipy.spatial
import scipy.stats
import sklearn.metrics

from annoy import AnnoyIndex
import itertools
from typing import Optional, Any, Union, List, Tuple, Callable
import warnings

[docs]class EvaluationMetrics(): """Evaluation metrics for dimension reduction This class contains methods to run evluation metrics. """
[docs] @staticmethod def build_annoy(data: "np.ndarray", saved_annoy_path: Optional[str]=None, k: int=5) -> "np.ndarray": '''Build ANNOY and returns nearest neighbors. This is a utility function for building ANNOY models and returning the nearest-neighbor matrices for original space data and low-dimensional embedding. : param data: The input high-dimensional array. : param saved_annoy_path: The path to pre-built ANNOY model for original data. : param k: The number of neighbors. :return: Nearest-neighbor matrices of original space data. ''' if saved_annoy_path is not None: annoy_model_data = Annoy.load_annoy(path=saved_annoy_path, ncol=data.shape[1]) else: annoy_model_data = Annoy.build_annoy(data) annoy_data_neighbors = np.empty((data.shape[0], k), dtype=int) for i in range(data.shape[0]): data_neighbors: List[int] = annoy_model_data.get_nns_by_item(i, k+1) # Try remove the i-th obs itself try: data_neighbors.remove(i) except ValueError: # pragma: no cover data_neighbors = data_neighbors[0:(len(data_neighbors)-1)] annoy_data_neighbors[i] = data_neighbors return annoy_data_neighbors
[docs] @staticmethod def correlation(x: "np.ndarray", y: "np.ndarray", metric: str="Pearson") -> float: '''Calculate Correlation Coefficient This method computes the pearson or spearman correlation between the inputs. :param x: The first 1D array. :param y: The second 1D array. :param metric: The metric to use. 'Pearson' or 'Spearman', defaults to "Pearson". :return: Correlation coefficient. ''' if metric.lower() == "pearson": cor: float=scipy.stats.pearsonr(x, y)[0] elif metric.lower() == "spearman": cor: float=scipy.stats.spearmanr(x, y)[0] else: raise ValueError("Unsupported metric: must be 'Pearson' or 'Spearman.'") return cor
[docs] @staticmethod def residual_variance(x: Optional["np.ndarray"]=None, y: Optional["np.ndarray"]=None, r: Optional[float]=None) -> float: '''Residual Variance The residual variance is computed with the following formuation with r as the pearson correlation: 1-r**2. If r is provided, x and y are optional for efficiency. :param x: The first 1D array, optional. :param y: The second 1D array, optional. :param r: Pearson correlation between x and y, optional. Returns: float: Redisual variance. ''' if r is None: if x is None or y is None: raise ValueError("Either 'r' or both 'x' and 'y' is needed.") else: cor = EvaluationMetrics.correlation(x, y, metric="Pearson") return 1 - cor**2 elif r > 1 or r < -1: raise ValueError("'r' must be between -1 and 1.") else: return 1 - r**2
[docs] @staticmethod def EMD(x: "np.ndarray", y: "np.ndarray") -> float: '''Earth Mover's Distance (EMD) This metric computes the EMD between the pairwise distance of between points in the high and low dimensional space. This implementation uses the ``scipy.stats.wasserstein_distance``. The usage of EMD is proposed in Heiser & Lou (2020). :param x: The first distribution x as a 1D array. :param y: The second distribution y as a 1D array. :return: Earth mover's distance. ''' return scipy.stats.wasserstein_distance(x, y)
[docs] @staticmethod def KNN(data_neighbors: "np.ndarray", embedding_neighbors: "np.ndarray") -> float: '''K-Nearest Neighbors Preservation (KNN) The KNN metric computes the percentage of k-neighbors of each point is preserved in the embedding space, and it is average across the entire dataset. .. note:: This method is not used to calculate KNN itself. :param data_neighbors: A nearest-neighbor array of the original data. :param embedding_neighbors: A nearest-neighbor array of the embedding. :return: K-nearest neighbors preservation. ''' i: int intersect: int = 0 for i in range(data_neighbors.shape[0]): intersect += np.intersect1d(data_neighbors[i], embedding_neighbors[i]).shape[0] return intersect/data_neighbors.size
[docs] @staticmethod def NPE(data_neighbors: "np.ndarray", embedding_neighbors: "np.ndarray", labels: "np.ndarray") -> float: '''Neighborhood Proportion Error (NPE) The NPE metric is proposed by Konstorum et al. (2019). It measures the total variation distance between the proportion of nearest points belonging to the same class of each point in the HD and LD space. The lower the NPE, the more similar the embedding and the original data are. :param data_neighbors: A nearest-neighbor array of the original data. :param embedding_neighbors: A nearest-neighbor array of the embedding. :param labels: The class labels of each observation. :return: Neighborhood proportion error. ''' classes: "np.ndarray" classes_index: "np.ndarray" classes, classes_index = np.unique(labels, return_inverse=True) same_class_data: "np.ndarray" = np.zeros(data_neighbors.shape[0]) same_class_embedding: "np.ndarray" = np.zeros(data_neighbors.shape[0]) k: int = data_neighbors.shape[1] i: int for i in range(data_neighbors.shape[0]): i_index = classes_index[i] i_neighbors_data = data_neighbors[i] i_neighbors_embedding = embedding_neighbors[i] same_class_data[i] = np.count_nonzero(classes_index[i_neighbors_data]==i_index)/k same_class_embedding[i] = np.count_nonzero(classes_index[i_neighbors_embedding]==i_index)/k distance: float=0.0 c: Any for c in classes: P: "np.ndarray" = same_class_data[labels==c] Q: "np.ndarray" = same_class_embedding[labels==c] distance += np.sum(np.absolute(P-Q))/2 return distance/classes.size
[docs] @staticmethod def neighborhood_agreement(data_neighbors: "np.ndarray", embedding_neighbors: "np.ndarray") -> float: '''Neighborhood Agreement The Neighborhood Agreement metric is proposed by Lee et al. (2015). It measures the intersection of k-nearest neighbors (KNN) of each point in HD and LD space. The result is subsequently rescaled to measure the improvement over a random embedding. This measure is conceptually similar to ``Metric.KNN`` such that they both measure the agreement of KNN, but ``Metric.KNN`` simply takes the average of the KNN graph agreement without any scaling. :param data_neighbors: A nearest-neighbor array of the original data. :param embedding_neighbors: A nearest-neighbor array of the embedding. :return: Neighborhood agreement. ''' k: int = data_neighbors.shape[1] i: int agreement: float = 0.0 for i in range(data_neighbors.shape[0]): agreement += np.intersect1d(data_neighbors[i], embedding_neighbors[i]).shape[0] agreement = (agreement/(k*data_neighbors.shape[0])*(data_neighbors.shape[0]-1)-k)/(data_neighbors.shape[0]-1-k) return agreement
[docs] @staticmethod def neighborhood_trustworthiness(data_neighbors: "np.ndarray", embedding_neighbors: "np.ndarray", dist_data: "np.ndarray") -> float: '''Neighborhood Trustworthiness The Neighborhood Truestworthiness is proposed by Venna and Kaski (2001). It measures trustworthiness by measuring the ranked distane of new points entering the defined neighborhood size in the embedding. The higher the new points are ranked based on the original HD space distance matrix, the less trustworthy the new embedding is. The measure is scaled between 0 and 1 with a higher score reflecting a more trustworthy embedding. :param data_neighbors: A nearest-neighbor matrix of the original data. :param embedding_neighbors: A nearest-neighbor matrix of the embedding. :param dist_data: A pairwise distance matrix for the original data. :return: Neighborhood trustworthiness. ''' dist_data = scipy.spatial.distance.squareform(dist_data) dist_data = scipy.stats.rankdata(dist_data, axis=1) k: int = data_neighbors.shape[1] score: float = 0 i: int for i in range(data_neighbors.shape[0]): neighbor_diff: "np.ndarray" = np.setdiff1d(embedding_neighbors[i], data_neighbors[i], assume_unique=True) score += np.sum(dist_data[i, neighbor_diff] - k) score = 1 - 2*score/(data_neighbors.shape[0]*k*(2*data_neighbors.shape[0]-3*k-1)) return score
[docs] @staticmethod def random_forest(embedding: "np.ndarray", labels: "np.ndarray") -> float: '''Random Forest Classification Accuracy This method trains a random forest classifer using the embedding data and the labels generated or manually classified from the original space. It then tests the accuracy of the classifier using the 33% of the embedding data. This metric was first proposed in Becht et al. (2019). :param embedding: The low-dimensional embedding. :param labels: The class labels of each observation. :return: Random forest prediction accuracy. ''' embedding_train, embedding_test, labels_train, labels_test = train_test_split(embedding, labels, test_size=0.33) rf: "RandomForestClassifier" = RandomForestClassifier().fit(embedding_train, labels_train) predictions: "np.ndarray" = rf.predict(embedding_test) return sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score(labels_test, predictions)
[docs] @staticmethod def silhouette(embedding: "np.ndarray", labels: "np.ndarray") -> float: '''Silhouette Score This metric computes the silhouette score of clusters in the embedding space. Ideally, clusters should be coherent, and using labels obtained from the original space can evaluate the effectiveness of the embedding technique. This metric is used in Xiang et al. (2021). :param embedding: The low-dimensional embedding. :param labels: The class labels of each observation. :return: Silhouette score. ''' return sklearn.metrics.silhouette_score(embedding, labels)
[docs] @staticmethod def NMI(x_labels: "np.ndarray", y_labels: "np.ndarray") -> float: '''Normalized Mutual Information (NMI) The NMI metric computes the mutual information between labels of the original space and the embeeding space and then normalizes it with the larger entroy of the two vectors. This metric is a measure of clustering performance before and after dimension reduction, and it is used in Xiang et al. (2021). :param x_labels: The first set of labels. :param y_labels: The second set of labels on the same data. :return: Silhouette score. ''' mi: float = sklearn.metrics.mutual_info_score(x_labels, y_labels) labels_count: "np.ndarray" embedding_count: "np.ndarray" _ , labels_count = np.unique(x_labels, return_counts=True) _ , embedding_count = np.unique(y_labels, return_counts=True) labels_count = labels_count/x_labels.size embedding_count = embedding_count/y_labels.size normalization: float = np.maximum(scipy.stats.entropy(labels_count), scipy.stats.entropy(embedding_count)) return mi/normalization
[docs] @staticmethod def ARI(x_labels: "np.ndarray", y_labels: "np.ndarray") -> float: '''Adjusted Rand Index (ARI) The ARI uses the labels from the original space and the embedding space to measure the similarity between them using pairs. It is used in Xiang et al. (2021). :param x_labels: The first set of labels. :param y_labels: The second set of labels on the same data. :return: ARI. :References: This implementation adapts from sklearn's implementation of ARI with a bug fix of overflow issue. .. code-block:: text @article{scikit-learn, title={Scikit-learn: Machine Learning in {P}ython}, author={Pedregosa, F. and Varoquaux, G. and Gramfort, A. and Michel, V. and Thirion, B. and Grisel, O. and Blondel, M. and Prettenhofer, P. and Weiss, R. and Dubourg, V. and Vanderplas, J. and Passos, A. and Cournapeau, D. and Brucher, M. and Perrot, M. and Duchesnay, E.}, journal={Journal of Machine Learning Research}, volume={12}, pages={2825--2830}, year={2011} } :License: .. code-block:: text BSD 3-Clause License Copyright (c) 2007-2021 The scikit-learn developers. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ''' confusion: "np.ndarray" = sklearn.metrics.pair_confusion_matrix(x_labels, y_labels) tn: int = int(confusion[0][0]) fp: int = int(confusion[0][1]) fn: int = int(confusion[1][0]) tp: int = int(confusion[1][1]) return 2. * (tp * tn - fn * fp) / ((tp + fn) * (fn + tn) + (tp + fp) * (fp + tn))
[docs] @staticmethod def calinski_harabasz(embedding: "np.ndarray", labels: "np.ndarray") -> float: '''Calinski-Harabasz Index This metric computes the Calinski-Harabasz index of clusters in the embedding space. Ideally, clusters should be coherent, and using labels obtained from the original space can evaluate the effectiveness of the embedding technique. :param embedding: The low-dimensional embedding. :param labels: The class labels of each observation. :return: Calinski-Harabasz Index. ''' return sklearn.metrics.calinski_harabasz_score(embedding, labels)
[docs] @staticmethod def davies_bouldin(embedding: "np.ndarray", labels: "np.ndarray") -> float: '''Davies-Bouldin Index This metric computes the Davies-Bouldin index of clusters in the embedding space. Ideally, clusters should be coherent, and using labels obtained from the original space can evaluate the effectiveness of the embedding technique. :param embedding: The low-dimensional embedding. :param labels: The class labels of each observation. :return: Davies-Bouldin Index. ''' return sklearn.metrics.davies_bouldin_score(embedding, labels)
[docs] @staticmethod def embedding_concordance(embedding: "np.ndarray", labels_embedding: "np.ndarray", comparison_file: Union["np.ndarray", List["np.ndarray"]], comparison_labels: Union["np.ndarray", List["np.ndarray"]], comparison_classes: Optional[List[str]]=None, method: str = "emd" ) -> Union[float, str]: """Concordance between two embeddings. This is a wrapper function to implement two embedding concordance metrics based on named clusters: EMD and Cluster Distance. When two embeddings can be reasonably aligned based on clusters or manual labels, these two metrics calculate the relationships between clusters and their distances between two embeddings. For EMD, the metric considers matched pairs of clusters in both embeddings: for each pair in each embedding, the distances between each centroid and all points in the other cluster are calculated. The EMD between these two vectors from two embeddings are calculated and then averaged across all pairs. For Cluster Distance, pairwise rank distance between all cluster centroids are calculated in each embedding. Then, the Euclidean distance between these two vectors are taken. :param embedding: The first (main) embedding. :param labels_embedding: Labels for all obervations in the embedding. :param comparison_file: The second embedding. :param comparison_labels: The labels for all observations in the comparison embedding. :param comparison_classes: Which classes in labels to compare. At least two classes need to be provided for this to work; otherwise, `NA` will be returned. If ``None``, all overlapping labels used, optional :param method: "emd" or "cluster_distance", defaults to "emd" :return: The score or "NA" .. Note:: When there is no overlapping labels, "NA" is automatically returned as ``str``. .. deprecated:: 0.2.0 Passing in `str` for the `comparison_classes` parameter is deprecated and will be removed in futrue versions. """ if not isinstance(comparison_file, list): comparison_file = [comparison_file] if not isinstance(comparison_labels, list): comparison_labels = [comparison_labels] if not isinstance(comparison_classes, list) and comparison_classes is not None: comparison_classes = [comparison_classes] warnings.warn("Passing in a non-list parameter is deprecated. Use a list instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) method = method.lower() scores: "np.ndarray" = np.zeros(len(comparison_file)) i: int comparison_labels_index: int comparison_status: bool = False for i in range(len(comparison_file)): comparison_labels_index = i if len(comparison_labels) == len(comparison_file) else 0 common_types: "np.ndarray" = np.intersect1d(np.unique(labels_embedding), np.unique(comparison_labels[comparison_labels_index])) if comparison_classes is not None: common_types = np.intersect1d(common_types, comparison_classes) if common_types.shape[0] < 2: continue if method == "emd": scores[i] = EvaluationMetrics._concordance_emd(embedding, labels_embedding, comparison_file[i], comparison_labels[comparison_labels_index], common_types) elif method == "cluster_distance": scores[i] = EvaluationMetrics._concordance_cluster_distance(embedding, labels_embedding, comparison_file[i], comparison_labels[comparison_labels_index], common_types) comparison_status = True if comparison_status: return np.mean(scores) else: return "NA"
@staticmethod def _concordance_emd(embedding: "np.ndarray", labels_embedding: "np.ndarray", comparison_file: "np.ndarray", comparison_labels: "np.ndarray", common_types: "np.ndarray") -> float: """Embedding concordance EMD. This is a private method that computes the concordance EMD as described in the ``embedding_concordance`` method. :param embedding: The first (main) embedding. :param labels_embedding: Labels for all obervations in the embedding. :param comparison_file: The second embedding. :param comparison_labels: The labels for all observations in the comparison embedding. :param common_types: The common cluster labels for EMD computation. :return: The EMD score """ combinations: List[Tuple[int, ...]] = list(itertools.permutations(common_types, 2)) embedding_scores: List[float] = [] comparison_scores: List[float] = [] comb: Tuple[int, ...] for comb in combinations: indicies_embedding: "np.ndarray" = np.where(labels_embedding == comb[0])[0] centroid: "np.ndarray" = np.mean(embedding[indicies_embedding, ], axis=0) pwd: "np.ndarray" = scipy.stats.rankdata(np.sqrt(np.sum((centroid - embedding)**2, axis=1))) pwd = pwd[np.where(labels_embedding == comb[1])]/(embedding.shape[0]) embedding_scores.extend(d for d in pwd) indicies_comparison: "np.ndarray" = np.where(comparison_labels == comb[0])[0] centroid_c: "np.ndarray" = np.mean(comparison_file[indicies_comparison,], axis=0) pwd_c: "np.ndarray" = scipy.stats.rankdata(np.sqrt(np.sum((centroid_c - comparison_file)**2, axis=1))) pwd_c = pwd_c[np.where(comparison_labels == comb[1])]/(comparison_file.shape[0]) comparison_scores.extend([d for d in pwd_c]) return scipy.stats.wasserstein_distance(embedding_scores, comparison_scores) @staticmethod def _concordance_cluster_distance(embedding: "np.ndarray", labels_embedding: "np.ndarray", comparison_file: "np.ndarray", comparison_labels: "np.ndarray", common_types: "np.ndarray") -> float: """Embedding concordance Cluster Distance. This is a private method that computes the concordance Ckuster Distance metric as described in the ``embedding_concordance`` method. :param embedding: The first (main) embedding. :param labels_embedding: Labels for all obervations in the embedding. :param comparison_file: The second embedding. :param comparison_labels: The labels for all observations in the comparison embedding. :param common_types: The common cluster labels for EMD computation. :return: The EMD score """ combinations: List[Tuple[int, ...]] = list(itertools.permutations(common_types, 2)) embedding_scores: "np.ndarray" = np.zeros(len(combinations)) comparison_scores: "np.ndarray" = np.zeros(len(combinations)) embedding_clusters: "np.ndarray" = np.unique(labels_embedding) embedding_centroid: "np.ndarray" = np.zeros((embedding_clusters.shape[0], embedding.shape[1])) for i, c in enumerate(embedding_clusters): embedding_centroid[i] = np.mean(embedding[np.where(labels_embedding==c)[0],], axis=0) comparison_clusters: "np.ndarray" = np.unique(comparison_labels) comparison_centroid: "np.ndarray" = np.zeros((comparison_clusters.shape[0], comparison_file.shape[1])) for i, c in enumerate(comparison_clusters): comparison_centroid[i] = np.mean(comparison_file[np.where(comparison_labels==c)[0],], axis=0) comb: Tuple[int, ...] i: int for i, comb in enumerate(combinations): embedding_index_0: int = np.where(embedding_clusters == comb[0])[0][0] embedding_index_1: int = np.where(embedding_clusters == comb[1])[0][0] embedding_cluster_0: "np.ndarray" = embedding_centroid[embedding_index_0] embedding_pwd: "np.ndarray" = scipy.stats.rankdata(np.sqrt(np.sum((embedding_cluster_0 - embedding_centroid)**2, axis=1))) embedding_scores[i] = embedding_pwd[embedding_index_1,]/embedding_clusters.shape[0] comparison_index_0: int = np.where(comparison_clusters == comb[0])[0][0] comparison_index_1: int = np.where(comparison_clusters == comb[1])[0][0] comparison_cluster_0: "np.ndarray" = comparison_centroid[comparison_index_0] comparison_pwd: "np.ndarray" = scipy.stats.rankdata(np.sqrt(np.sum((comparison_cluster_0 - comparison_centroid)**2, axis=1))) comparison_scores[i] = comparison_pwd[comparison_index_1,]/comparison_clusters.shape[0] return np.mean(np.abs(embedding_scores-comparison_scores))
[docs]class PointClusterDistance(): """Point Cluster Distance This class is used to compute the Point Cluster Distance. Instead of full pairwise distance, this distance metric computes the distance between each cluster centroid and all other point. The memory complexity is N_cluster*N instead of (N^2)/2. :param X: The input data array. :param labels: Labels for the data array. :param dist_metric: The distance metric to use. This supports "euclidean", "manhattan", or "cosine", defaults to "euclidean" :Attributes: - **X**: The input data array. - **labels**: Labels for the data array. - **dist_metric**: The distance metric to use. This supports "euclidean", "manhattan", or "cosine", defaults to "euclidean" - **dist**: The calculated distance array. The first axis corresponds to each observation in the original array and the second axis is all the cluster centroids, optional. """ def __init__(self, X: "np.ndarray", labels: "np.ndarray", dist_metric: str="euclidean"): self.X: "np.ndarray" = X self.labels: "np.ndarray" = labels self.dist_metric = dist_metric.lower() self.dist: Optional["np.ndarray"] = None self.index: Optional["np.ndarray"] = None
[docs] def fit(self, flatten: bool=False) -> "np.ndarray": """Fit the distance metric. This method calculates the distance metric based on the class attributes. :param flatten: Whether to flatten the return into a 1-d vector :return: The calculate distance array. """ index: "np.ndarray" inverse: "np.ndarray" index, inverse = np.unique(self.labels, return_inverse=True) self.dist = np.empty((self.X.shape[0], index.size)) self.index = index centroid: "np.ndarray" = self._cluster_centroid(self.X, index, inverse) dist = self._distance_func(dist_metric=self.dist_metric) i: int obs: "np.ndarray" for i, obs in enumerate(self.X): self.dist[i] = dist(obs, centroid) if flatten: return self.flatten(self.dist) else: return self.dist
[docs] @staticmethod def flatten(dist: "np.ndarray") -> np.ndarray: """Flatten an array This method is a wrapper for the ``flatten`` method in ``numpy``. :param dist: The distance array. :return: The flattened array. """ return dist.flatten()
@staticmethod def _distance_func(dist_metric: str="euclidean") -> Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], float]: if dist_metric == "manhattan": return PointClusterDistance._manhattan elif dist_metric == "cosine": return PointClusterDistance._cosine else: return PointClusterDistance._euclidean @staticmethod def _euclidean(X1: np.ndarray, X2: np.ndarray) -> float: """Euclidean distance This is an implementation of the Euclidean distance. Args: :param X1: The array to calculate Euclidean distance. :param X2: The array to calculate Euclidean distance. :return: The euclidean distance """ return np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(X1-X2), axis=1)) @staticmethod def _manhattan(X1: np.ndarray, X2: np.ndarray) -> float: """Euclidean distance This is an implementation of the Manhattan distance. Args: :param X1: The array to calculate Manhattan distance. :param X2: The array to calculate Manhattan distance. :return: The Manhattan distance """ return np.sum(np.abs(X1-X2), axis=1) @staticmethod def _cosine(X1: np.ndarray, X2: np.ndarray) -> float: """Cosine distance This is an implementation of the Cosine distance. Args: :param X1: The array to calculate Cosine distance. :param X2: The array to calculate Cosine distance. :return: The Cosine distance """ return np.sum(X1*X2, axis=1)/(np.sqrt(np.sum(X1**2))*np.sqrt(np.sum(X2**2, axis=1))) @staticmethod def _cluster_centroid(X: np.ndarray, index: np.ndarray, inverse: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Find the centroids of clustered data. With the input array and labels, this method computes all centroids using the labels as clusters. :param X: The original data array. :param index: The unique IDs of the observations. :param inverse: The indicies to reconstruct the original array. :return: The cluster centroids. """ centroid: "np.ndarray" = np.empty((index.size, X.shape[1])) for i in range(len(index)): centroid[i] = np.mean(X[inverse==i]) return centroid
[docs]class Annoy():
[docs] @staticmethod def build_annoy(data: "np.ndarray", metric: str = "angular", n_trees: int=10) -> "AnnoyIndex": """Build ``AnnoyIndex`` object from data. :param data: The data array :param metric: The distance metric to use, defaults to "angular" :param n_trees: The number of trees, defaults to 10 :return: An ``AnnoyIndex`` object. """ model: "AnnoyIndex" = AnnoyIndex(data.shape[1], metric = metric) #type: ignore for i in range(data.shape[0]): model.add_item(i, data[i]), n_jobs=-1) return model
[docs] @staticmethod def load_annoy(path: str, ncol: int, metric: str = "angular" ) -> "AnnoyIndex": """Load ``AnnoyIndex`` object from disk. This loads an AnnoyIndex object saved using this class or the ANnoy's buildin IO function. :param path: The path to the object. :param ncol: The number of columns. :param metric: _description_, defaults to "angular" :return: The loaded ``AnnoyIndex`` object. """ model: "AnnoyIndex" = AnnoyIndex(ncol, metric) #type: ignore model.load(path) return model
[docs] @staticmethod def save_annoy(model: "AnnoyIndex", path: str): """Save ``AnnoyIndex`` object to disk. This saves an ``AnnoyIndex`` object to a specified path. :param model: An ``AnnoyIndex`` object to be saved. :param path: The path to the object. :return: The loaded ``AnnoyIndex`` object. """